

The tourists in the field are watching flowers. However, the sign beside shows entering the field is being banned, because it could hurts flowers, but people doesn't care about it. I think those tourists are selfish, despite they know there action is hurting flowers, they still focus on taking beautiful pictures rather then follow the rules. the owner of the field must be angry about it, if I'm him, I'll take all of them to court, there's no reason my treasure be treated like that, they'll soon understand what they did is a big wrong and pay for it. 


 The park of picture A is more like a kid's playground, there is a number of entertainment facilities over there, and the ground comes with special soft plate to protect kids from getting injured. The park of picture B is tend to relax people by closing to nature, people can walk their dogs, jogging or go on a picnic, there's a variety of plants, people can easily feel comfortable in this park. My idea's park is the combine of picture A and picture B, adults can take a walk on the trail, kids can play on the play ground, at lunch time, they can go on a picnic on the grass, it's suit of every age of person and everyone can have fun there. chatgpt改 The park in Picture A resembles a children's playground with numerous entertainment facilities and a special soft surface to ensure children's safety. In contrast, Picture B depicts a tranquil environment aimed at providing relaxation amidst nature, offering opportunities for dog walking, jogging, and picnicking among v...

科技關鍵礦物材料戰 美歐夾擊中國 (練習用)

美國和歐盟正商討合力爭取資源大國站隊,以便與中國爭奪關鍵礦物控制權。 彭博資訊報導,在對未來科技至關重要的材料,美國和歐盟正商討如何與中國一爭高下。 知情人士表示,這個被稱為「礦產安全夥伴關係論壇」(minerals security partnership forum)的新倡議,將協調已開發國家的買家與資源豐富國家,在項目和政策上合作。目的是 讓西方減少依賴由中國生產和加工關鍵礦物,如鋰、錳、鈷等。 歐盟已與澳洲、加拿大、芬蘭、法國、德國、印度、義大利、日本、南韓和英國等加入了美國領軍的礦產安全夥伴關係,這個夥伴關係主要在引導外國投資進入綠能領域。 歐盟另與幾個國家簽署了自己的礦產協議,包括鈷供應占全球約70%的剛果以及尚比亞。


Emoji is a popular way to represent one's emotion straightly. For instance,when someone sends the  smiling face emoji , it means that he\she is in positive emotions, you can type something good to continue the happy atmosphere. On the other hand, when the emoji comes in a sad face, it means that he\she is in  negative emotions, you need to prevent the bad emotion keep spreading up, just listen to he\she's complaint and say something good to make the things better. But emoji could cause misunderstand. When I in junior high school, I was communicating with my friend on Messenger,  his emotion was really bad and I use the wrong emoji to receive his sentence, he think I was disrespect to him, right then and there he was mad at me. I took a few days to let him forgive me. So when you wants to use emojis, you should find what emojis you can use, and what can't, if you don't know ,it's safer to use primary sentence rather then emojis. chatgpt 改   Emojis have become a popul...

model y 限時降價1000美元

  路透報導,特斯拉 已宣布,暫時調降部分Model Y 在美國的售價 ,直到2月29日止。 今年聚焦生產代號【R edwood】的下一代電動車,因此銷售成長可能「顯著滑落」。特斯拉一年多前開始降價刺激買氣,但這樣的削價競爭已侵蝕獲利。 特斯拉推出新一波降價行動,正值電動車需求減低和市場競爭加劇,愈來愈多平價電動車流入市場,中國品牌比亞迪尤其來勢洶洶。比亞迪已在2023年第4季超車特斯拉、躍為全球最大電動車製造商。



